

for Protospiel I want to find play testers for my game called Brigands. Some details on Brigands are on my blog at However, while I don't mind you reading the blog (doh!) I would like some testers to also start at zero, i.e., not read the blog but work with the printed instructions I bring to Protospiel (so that the official rules are tested too).

That said, I am also glad to play other's prototypes and give feedback.

See y'all,


Read the blog or go in blind? Argh!

It's so tricky! I don't know if I'll be so busy that I won't be able to participate in play tests. If I can't participate, then I should read your blog. Also, it's like unwrapping a present: I really enjoy learning about the games attendees plan to bring. But... If I do have a chance to participate, I'd like to participate in as many play tests as possible. It's so much fun to experience a totally new game for the first time and help guide it to its final form.


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