Meet & Greet Dinner on Friday, the 27th.

Hi All,

So the plan is to have a Meet & Greet dinner on Friday, followed by two days of hard-core game prototype playtesting action.

I'm thinking barbecue. Specifically, I'm thinking Rudy's at 11570 Research Blvd. Austin, TX 78759.

* It has big, long tables that'll accomodate any number of people.
* We don't have to make a reservation.
* Barbecue is yummy.
* There's no weird check-splitting at the end of the meal.
* Although not very vegetarian-friendly, there are veggies available there.

Friday is a work day, so I don't want to make the get-together too early. But it is a dinner, so I don't want to make it too late either. Let's start gathering in the lobby of the Best Western Atrium North at 6:00 and leave for Rudy's at 7:00. We'll be able to transport six people besides ourselves. I figure enough other people will have cars to ensure that anyone who wants to come along will be able to. If you just want to meet us at Rudy's, we'll probably arrive there at 7:20 / 7:30.

Thoughts? Comments? You know what to do.

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