
Want to see your name up here? Check out our sponsorship options.

I keep Protospiel South cheap to run and pass the savings on to y'all. The low overhead just makes every cent our sponsors offer all the more valuable. If you see 'em, say "Thanks!" and show 'em some love.


Past Sponsors

2014 Sponsors

Sincere thanks and gratitude to the following supporters of Protospiel South 2014:

2014 Meal Support

Snacks provided by Ben Gibbs. Thanks, Ben!

2013 Sponsors

No sponsors in 2013, but we still had a great convention! Woot!

2012 Meal Support

Saturday dinner provided by Wonko's Toys & Games

Sincere thanks and gratitude to the following supporters of Protospiel South 2011:

2011 Meal Support

Sunday dinner provided by Wonko's Toys & Games

Snacks provided by Goblin Workshop Games

2011 Toys & Prizes:

Gift cards provided by Dragon's Lair Comics and Fantasy


Sincere thanks and gratitude to the following supporters of Protospiel South 2010:

2010 Friends:

The Big Skillet Podcast

Truekid Games

2010 Sponsors:

Steve Jackson Games

2010 Partners:

Dragon's Lair Comics and Fantasy

2010 Meal Support

Saturday lunch provided by Wonko's Toys & Games
Saturday dinner provided by Steve Jackson Games
Sunday lunch provided by Dragon's Lair Comics and Fantasy

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