Who is coming and what are you bringing?


I thought I'd open up a thread to find more about who is coming and what kind of games people are bringing.

I'll start off...

- Space Factory (1-4 players - 90 minutes. Space mining, processing, and building)
- Space Factory Expansions (more content)
- Wanderlust (2-4 players - 60 minutes. Adventure game)

I'll probably bring others but these are the ones I'd like to get tested.

~ Dan


Stemginery is about building structures using connectors and soda straws. The potential for competition is in the Challenge Cards (a bit of random chance there) where the materials you can use are limited, and the goal is different: the tallest, longest, strongest structure...

Long story, short: I have designed this originally as a learning tool.
It so happens it /might/ have a chance as a tabletop game. It actually might be a success as a game, more than as just an educational something. I am too ignorant regarding table games to dare voice an opinion, but lo and behold, there's Protospiel South! and, of all places, in good dear ATX Hackerspace!
So maybe you can tell me...

I will be updating as the Big Day is near. For now, greetings to y'all


I like the novelty of it!

I'm really engaged by the idea of a dynamic building game. I really look forward to seeing this!

After attending the first

After attending the first year and then being somewhere else entirely every year since (boo!), I will be coming back to Protospiel S. this year. I'm bringing the game I brought in 2010, Billionaire, which went into the trunk for a good long time and now is on track (I hope!) to get kickstarted in the near future. It's sort of a deck building/tableau building hybrid in which you buy and run companies in a race to be the first to a billion dollars.

Sounds neat.

I'm intrigued by the, "deck building/tableau building hybrid," aspect. Color me intrigued... =)

Blank White Dice

It's going to print in October, so (if I have the chance to) I'll be testing new Blank White Dice cards and factions. 2 to 6 players, 60 minutes +/- 15. Checking for fun, balance, and clarity.

Odds are very slim that I'll bring anything else, since this is my top-top priority.

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