11x17 Games

I should have 2-5 games ready for the con. I apologize now that I'm not going to have spiffy art or pieces.

Tentatively we have,

Animated Zombies in Fundieland - You send your demonic zombie minions against Christian fundamentalist.

Witch's Brew - Cooperative/competitive card game where you create potions.

Elderly Arms: Retirement Center for Aging Gods - A bingo/board/card game where you as a retired god are trying to get bingo by going on event trips.

Delvers - A realtime dungeon building game

Possibly more or less, I'll have to see how the month goes.


Sounds like fun!

Wow, those sound like they are going to be some really fun games! I'm looking forward to seeing them in action! Delvers sounds like the type of game I've always really loved, Witch's Brew sounds like a blast (I love card games), and the other two also sound really promising. I like what I hear, and I hope you can get more finished before the Con.


Your games sounded like a lot of fun, and they WERE! I loved Elderly Arms (although I thought I remembered "Celestial" in the name). Using the BINGO mechanic was perfect for both play and theme of the game. The godly powers were great too, and this whole game just begs for more gods in the expansions. The diving game was also fun, and I look forward to seeing where it's headed. I was sorry that we didn't get to see the Delvers game or (the tentatively titled) Witches Brew, but luckily H-town isn't too far away. Plus, we'll be giving Fundieland a try at some point soon. Thanks again for all the gaming!

No worries about the art.

No worries about the art. First and foremost, prototypes should be easy to understand and playable. If you have nifty art, that's a bonus, but it's not a mandate. Virtually all of my personal prototypes have the visual charm and appeal of a can of generic lard.

All of your games sound interesting, but I'm really intrigued by Elderly Arms. I'm wondering how you incorporated the Bingo mechanic into the game. Delvers also has my curiosity piqued.

An important note: There are two games on BGG that go by the name Witch's Brew: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/geeksearch.php?action=search&objecttype=boa...

I look forward to meeting you and seeing your games in person!

Witch's Brew

It's only a working title. I can use the machanic for any "Put pieces together for make a whole" type of game.

Fair enough...

Fair enough. I'm glad you aren't set on it.

Not at all. Anything to make

Not at all. Anything to make the game better and sell.

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