Breakfast Sponsorship for Protospiel South


When designers and gamers play test, they like to get as much in as possible. Every minute spent to use the rest room or get food is one less minute for play testing, and they resent it. Bringing food to the attendees is a great way to earn their appreciation.

For every breakfast you sponsor, we’ll:

  • put an 8.5” x 11” poster of your design in an acrylic stand on the breakfast table to let everyone know that you provided breakfast,
  • credit you in the flyer/program given out at the convention,
  • list you on the Schedule page of as, “[Day] breakfast provided by [Your Name]”, linked to a URL of your choosing, and
  • list you on the Sponsors page of as a breakfast sponsor.

Your money will be used to purchase breakfast tacos and orange juice. We’re also open to recommendations – it’s your money after all. Your money will also be use to purchase plates and utensils. Only two breakfast sponsorships are available: 8 AM on Saturday or Sunday. First sponsor gets first selection.

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