

In the Renaissance, the patronage of generous and powerful individuals and families sponsored the artists who created some of the most well-known pieces of classic Western art, sculpture, architecture, and music. Protospiel South 2012 isn't likely to create anything as enduring as the Sistine Chapel or Versailles, but we'd happily accept a patron or two...

As a patron, you’re covering about 50% of the cost of the convention. You get:

  • up to six full-convention badges with food privileges,
  • listing as a patron on the Front Page of linked to a URL of your choosing,
  • listing as a patron on the Sponsors page of linked to a URL of your choosing,
  • your logo on the promotional flyers,
  • a full-page back cover ad on the program given out at the convention, and
  • your logo on all additional promotional Protospiel South 2012 media (like internet banner ads) that we run.

If you’d like additional consideration for sponsoring at or beyond this level, let us know.

Your money will probably be used to fund Protospiel South 2012 banner ads on internet gaming sites during the months of March and April. If we receive multiple sponsors at this level, we will increase the length of the ads or simultaneously run the ad on multiple sites.

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